The Bob Proctor Series Part Two | Rerelease

[bctt tweet=”“We are capable of doing great things.” -Bob Proctor” username=”liveoutloud”]

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This episode is part two of a two-part series with my long time mentor, Bob Proctor.  If you haven’t listened to part one in this series be sure to go back and listen to the first part of our amazing and life changing conversation. It is astonishing what is coming up in part two.  

In this episode, Bob shares about the importance of thinking about the possibilities instead of our limitations.  He also shares about helping children learn about their potential at an early age.  Bob also shares how visualizing where you want to be in your head can lead to holding it in your hand.  

[bctt tweet=”“Infinite power is at our disposal and we have the ability to take and direct it anyway we want in our life.” -Bob Proctor” username=”liveoutloud”]

Show Notes:

  • [01:08] Most people don’t think at all and it is the highest function we are capable of. We have a marvelous mind and there is a power flowing to and through us.  When that power flows into our consciousness, we give it direction.  Most people have a program already written in their mind and that program controls their behavior.  
  • [03:18] You can spend time thinking about what is wrong and how you can’t or you can spend time thinking about what is right and how you can. 
  • [05:36] We let our limitations control us rather than our possibilities.  
  • [06:20] Everyone of us has infinite potential locked up within us.  If we can build a vision in our mind, we can execute it.  Don’t spend a second thinking about why you can’t. 
  • [07:32] When a child is born, we don’t focus on their potential.  We look more about what they are doing then what they are capable of doing.  We don’t teach them much about their potential.  
  • [08:22] If I can see it in my head, I can hold it in my hand.  You can get everything you need to build whatever you can visualize in your mind.  
  • [10:37] We can all build images.  We are image makers.  
  • [11:17] You say yes and you figure it out.  
  • [12:35] How many of you act on those gut instincts?  
  • [14:18] Decision is going to direct you where you are going.  Most people shy away from making decisions. We have an amazing imagination. 
  • [15:53] Everybody is creative.  We have phenomenal powers locked up within us. 
  • [18:26] That creative urge flows to and through us. We have these urges that are powerful and we have to learn how to control and direct them. 
  • [19:25] Bob shares the second book that has been most valuable to him. 
  • [20:19] You have more power, talent, and ability within you then you will ever dream of utilizing. 
  • [22:34] Listen to somebody that has already made it where you want to be and do exactly what they tell you until you find out they are lying or don’t know what they are talking about.
  • [24:29] We fail our way to our goal.  Keep your sight on the target you are shooting at and correct as needed.  

[bctt tweet=”“You have more power, talent, and ability within you then you will ever dream of utilizing.” -Bob Proctor” username=”liveoutloud”]

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