So Who’s Killing the Economy?

Empty Piggie BankFor too long we’ve been hearing about the continuing decline of today’s economy. Jobs are sparse and wages are lacking. Everything costs more and there is little or no relief in sight. In the face of economic peril, families are trying to adjust.

So the current question is, “Who’s killing the economy?

The government tells us… spend those incentive checks as soon as you get them! That will help the economy!

On the other hand, we’re told that we should… cut back on driving to alleviate the pressure of supply and demand. That will help the economy!

Americans are driving less, vacationing less, spending less on groceries, and tightening their belts in every way they can. So, are WE killing the economy?

We’re even told that the wealthy are cutting back. Who are the wealthy? To one person $10 million isn’t enough. To another $1 million is a dream come true. Today the wealthy are multi-millionaires and billionaires. We have more wealthy people today than ever before in history. You don’t really think they’re scrimping on groceries or firing the chauffeur, do you?

I say, “Blah blah blah!”

Let’s turn this around! We need to be asking ourselves what can I do today to CREATE MORE MONEY?

The answer is simple; build your own cash machine.

What is a cash machine and how do you build one?

Start by analyzing what you know. What are your skills? Sit down and write them out. Do it now. Be specific. When you’re done, Google those skills, see what comes up. You don’t have to have a new idea. It’s not only okay to take an idea that has been done before, it’s what I tell people to do all the time. Model your cash machine after a successful business. Tailor it to fit you personally. Sharpen your focus, think creatively.

Stick with what you know but not necessarily what you love. I know, I know, we’ve all heard it said that if you do what you love, the money will come. Hmm… that’s about as realistic as “investing” in a lottery ticket. (And no, I’m not suggesting a lottery ticket is an investment. The odds are against you big time!)

When you have a steady cash flow you can focus on your passions in life. Everyday I see folks out there chasing their dreams. That’s great for some, but is it building your financial future? When you have a cash machine and you enlist your team to make it happen, then you will have time to go after your passion in life.

Money comes first, and that takes work. If you don’t believe that, you shouldn’t bother listening to me!

Everyone out there has a marketable skill set. EVERYONE. That includes your children! If you start the process today you will be on your way to financial freedom.

Take the steps today to build your wealth. If you haven’t read my book, The Millionaire Maker’s Guide to Creating a Cash Machine for Life, you need to pick up a copy today. It will change your life and get you going in the right direction.

When you’re really ready to catapult your efforts to achieve the financial future of your dreams, join me for a Cash Machine Workshop.

To Your Wealth!


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