Episode 156: Tapping Into Our Bodies Innate Ability to Heal Through Fasting with Lindsay McCue

[bctt tweet=”“Fasting allows our bodies to tap into that innate ability to heal ourselves.” -Lindsay McCue” username=”liveoutloud”]

What ancient health practice has been gaining recent popularity? If you guessed fasting, you are correct. Lindsay McCue is one of my clients and a health, food, and fasting expert. On today’s show, Lindsay is here to talk about fasting, the different types of fasting, and the surprising health benefits. She shares how different forms of intermittent fasting can be used to begin the fasting process and jump start healing. We also talk about autophagy, water fasting, fast mimicking, and more.  

Lindsay shares how giving our bodies a rest from food and digestion gives our bodies a chance to heal. A fasting state or state that mimics fasting can help clean our bodies from old cells and stored toxins and begin the healing process. Lindsay talks about how fasting can flip the switch on our health and help heal our guts and send stem cells to areas in need of regeneration. 

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[bctt tweet=”“We need to give our bodies the opportunity to rest and digest. That’s where fasting as a lifestyle comes in.” -Lindsay McCue” username=”liveoutloud”]

Show Notes:

  • [01:20] Fasting is a powerful way to allow our bodies to heal. 
  • [02:02] Lindsay has always been interested in health and nutrition. She was in the army for a long time and being at her peak performance was very important. 
  • [03:01] Fasting is abstaining from food and drink for a certain amount of time. This allows our bodies to use what is stored. Fasting allows our bodies to tap into that innate ability to heal ourselves.
  • [03:58] Intermittent fasting is just not eating for a certain amount of time during the day. 
  • [05:04] The seven ways to fast include intermittent fasting. You can also do a 24, 36, or 48 hour fast. There’s also a fast mimicking diet. Autophagy fasting, dry fasting, and water fasts for 3 to 5 days. 
  • [06:13] To activate autophagy the minimum is 13 hours while we are sleeping. This cleans house and stimulates human growth hormone.
  • [07:41] Intermittent fasting is a great way to get started, and then you can experiment with other types of fasts.
  • [08:08] Fasting stresses the body in a good way the same way that exercise does.
  • [08:30] The longer we fast over 24 hours, we secrete stem cells which can help repair our gut.
  • [09:20] Without health we don’t get to enjoy our wealth.
  • [10:19] Gut permeability allows toxins to cause inflammation. Fasting is one of the fastest ways to decrease inflammation.
  • [12:32] Fasting forces calorie restriction in a way that you don’t feel deprived. 
  • [14:12] The best time for women to be strict with eating is at the first two weeks of their cycle.
  • [15:01] Growing children need nutritious food and meals, but less sugary snacks. 
  • [16:13] Fasting resets our system and helps us to get in a more natural state with a natural desire for food. Fasting also helps us lose weight and tap into our innate ability to heal.
  • [16:49] Toxins get stored in our fat cells and are released when we fast. What helps is electrolytes and salt and water.
  • [17:29] A 3-day water fast is equivalent to flipping the switch. We can regulate our genetic expression to our lifestyle.
  • [20:57] Start with daily intermittent fasting. Live more whole food based. 
  • [22:14] You can do a 3 day water fast for a couple of times a year. What we eat is as important as when and as much as we eat.
  • [24:19] Become a fat burner through keto. Lower carbs and increase fat.

[bctt tweet=”“Healing the gut is a priority.” -Lindsay McCue” username=”liveoutloud”]

Links and Resources:

Valter Longo
Switch On Health Solutions


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