Off Wall Street Assets Preview
The Fastest Way To Make More, Keep More & Invest More Is To Get Around Those Who Are Already Doing It
Off Wall Street Assets will show you how to make more, keep more, invest more and build a team to run it for you. Learn the Millionaire Maker System, a proven infinity matrix to help you take charge of every aspect of your financial life.
Downloads mentioned in the module series
The Millionaire Maker
Click the button below to download a copy of The Millionaire Maker eBook.
The Wealth
Click the button below to download a PDF worksheet of the Wealth LifeCycle.
The Millionaire
Maker System
Click the button below to download a PDF worksheet of the system.
Gap Analysis
Click the button below to download a PDF worksheet of the Gap Analysis
Start Modules
Module 1: The Millionaire Readiness Quiz
- Read Chapter 2 of The Millionaire Maker, this will help you determine where you are financially.
- There are 7 different profiles and 7 different ways to become a Millionaire so follow your sequence.
- Your Relationship to debt is a direct reflection of your ability to be an entrepreneur
- The minimum amount for your freedom day number should be $10,000
Module 2: You’re Not Taught Money
- Don’t try to combine the wealth cycle with the lifestyle cycle
- We live in a world with two conversations, the occupational conversation vs the entrepreneurial conversation
- The fastest way to change you relationship to money is to be involved in this conversation
- The most important elements to creating wealth is having the right team around you
Module 3: The Investment Mindset
- The wealthy do not pay down debt just to get out of debt, they leverage good debt for investing
- We’re conditioned to get a job and live the lifestyle cycle
- We’re in the greatest time to be an entrepreneur
- How much more income do you want and how much money are you going to set aside to invest in new assets
Module 4: A New Year - How to Sell
- Let’s talk about goal setting. Think about how much more revenue to you want to get this year and how much you want to invest in assets.
- The first person you should hire when creating your team is a sales person.
- Creating a marketplace so that the money moves in the economy
- Pre-sales and deposits is the quickest way to launch your product or service without developing 100%.
Module 5: Your Financial Family
- Show me your friends and family and I will show you your future
- Find your financial family and friends because you need to be in the conversation with those that are in the same wealth conversation.
- You don’t know the deal if you can’t speak the deal
- What are the top two things that could crush your wealth building?
Module 6: The Wealth Building Team
- The Millionaire Matrix
- Make More Money, Keep Your Money, Invest it, Work with the right Team
- Off Wall Street Assets brings you the experts to all of the conversation you need to be in to become wealthy.
- You need to have an integrated team to help you stay up to date in the money conversation.
Module 7: Debt is Just the Cost of Money
- Your companies need money, when is the time to get it?
- Don’t live within your means, grow your means, Debt is just the cost of money.
- Why would you pay down your house at a 1-3% mortgage when you can invest that money and earn 10%
- Banks work on arbitrage
Module 8: Getting into the Bigger Game
- Using The Millionaire Maker Game to build a business and get started if you don’t have a business yet.
- Teaching your kids the value of money, never pay your kids an allowance
- Creating your cash machines with your skill sets
- Start with the entity and tax, then learn money rules and due diligence
Module 9: How do I Get Started
- Our goal is to make money, so here’s what happens at the show
- The Off Wall Street Assets Workshop
- You have to determine your first step, so say you have $500,000 dollars, we’re going to go through money rules and sequencing to determine the right investments.
- Here’s the deal on the workshop, it’s $1497 for two PLUS two teens or $750 for one and one Teen. (NOTE: Deals vary on location and community)
Upcoming workshop dates
Los Angeles, CA
August 15-17, 2018
Salt Lake City, UT
September 12-14, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
November 14-16, 2018
The Offer
- Weekly Live Fast Cash Calls (Start Today!)
- Accelerate Your Assets eBook ($197)
- Complete Wealth Profile ($1297)
- Online Resource Center ($2000+) Post Accountability Calls ($997)
The Offer - Call 888-565-1206 Or 801-252-4258 for more information.
1 Refundable Ticket - $97
This purchase includes 1 guest tickets and 1 teen tickets as well as all the bonuses.